Escrito por: CULTURA Ferias

Art Berlin Fair: pictures for an exhibition

Art Berlin Fair 2018 foto by Sasa Yagüe

Art Berlin Fair presents its second edition from 27 to 30 September 2018. Around 120 galleries from 21 countries offer the world of international art a global view of contemporary art trends, as well as works of classical Modernism. The fair premieres for the first time in two hangars of the historic Tempelhof Airport.

Tempelhof Airport: everything that happened there is a hegemonic shock, something that feels forever, a suspended postcard, the sun shines with unusual strength these days in the East and help us not to die, the kites are barely visible and the political questions disappear almost like flying. The space of the gigantic empty airport reminds us how difficult and intricate human lives are, how much struggle and how much suffering, something that Berlin does not want and should not forget in this Europe that  is collapsing after so many efforts, blood and tears, and this city, that belongs to all of us, must be the champion of historical memory, of truth and of true reception; a warm citizen’s heart that becomes the paradigm of universality.

And on top, the ART network and the artists, a loud and twisted bulldozers who intervene in the concept of time lapse and change, setting up a fragmental kaleidoscope as a representation of the corporal and social duality, agents of the field of the metastability.

It is difficult to understand all the connections going in the mind of the artists,  the art work representation and those human little figures repeats themselves in every art fair: market holograms, elegant, silver-plated, hungry in their trade uniforms, skeptics, manipulators and very driven into the subjectivity of the human being and its natural correlation with the easiness of the absolute.

And then, we, the public… The local resident, what are we looking for? What do we look for in a world far beyond our empty pockets? A fairy tale? The final revelation of an enigma? The sounds of a political struggle? Or a vacuous walk through dissociation and prophecy? Are we looking for myths and their modern roots? Certainties and certainties and more certainties? A view with no end? We are looking for the power of creativity and electro shocks!

Art Berlin Fair is small and very welcoming, there’s a gallery rhythm, almost like dancing or playing piano scales when you are little, a nervous system you get to understand as the invention of the alphabet and there is where the viewer is placed, in a virgin little clapboard for the artist to write on, we are the medium and we are the message, and they know it, and being able to be a part of that intimate and exquisite worlds related one to another directly into our solitary souls is something very delicate, a sensitive perception, an approach to the content of truth, something that in German is well defined as “Wohlgefallen”.

Days went trough with a sustained emotion, feeling worthwhile being a witness of another effort in the liberation struggle, in this case in such as unusual space as the one that occupies Berlin Art Fair in its second edition, which only It would make real sense if other voices in the community get involved and give continuity to the project.

Art Berlin – Fair for modern and contemporary art | Del 27 al 30 de septiembre 

Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlín

Text and pics Sasa Yagüe para Berlín Amateurs (original text in Spanish); Translated by Javier Mendoza © septiembre 2018
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